Dover Harbor operated 19-21 May as part of the Lake State Railway Company’s business train. Its was a chance for our classic Pullman to stretch her legs and work out any last minute kinks from our just completed Amtrak 10 year inspection, which was performed at the Lake State Railway Company’s Saginaw, Michigan shops. Dover Harbor will return to the Washington area in June and resume trip and charter operations in July. Shortly we will be announcing our first trip 2022 public trip, from NY – Washington, D.C., on July 30th.
The first two days on the LSRC trips consisted largely of LSRC guests, followed the third day by a “Family Day” trip for LSRC employees. As previously mentioned by the Magazine, we were fortunate on Friday, May 20, 2022, to have Brian Schmidt of Classic Trains Magazine aboard travel with us.
The pictures below show the Dover Harbor with a LSRC engine with the business train at Flint, Michigan at the LSRCs auto ramp, located at the former “Buick City” auto plant. The second photo is taken safely through the vestibule door of DOVER HARBOR of an LSRC locomotive. Photos by Michael Harding.