July 2023
Safety Precautions and Casualties Rule 68. In case of extraordinary storms or high water, trains must be brought to a stop and a man sent to examine
Safety Precautions and Casualties Rule 68. In case of extraordinary storms or high water, trains must be brought to a stop and a man sent to examine
Requirements for EmploymentRule 44. No person defective in hearing, sight or color perception shall be employed in any branch of the service involving the use
Rule 11. No person will be permitted to ride on the pilot, pilot beam, or on the step attached to the pilot or pilot beam
Rule 300. When the Flagman goes back to protect the rear of his train, the next Brakeman must immediately take the flagman’s position on the
We are selling for a limited time special commemorative DOVER HARBOR 100th Fundraiser items to help raise funds for the DOVER HARBOR. Help keep her
Rule 8. Before coupling air hose or doing other work between the cars of a train, they [employees] must see that their position is known
Congratulations to our Pullman DOVER HARBOR, who was constructed 100 years ago this year. We are taking the next year to celebrate our Legendary Pullman
Rule 14: Hands or feet must not be placed in any part of machinery or apparatus, or in the way of moving parts of machinery
Prevention of Fires Rule 104. Keep the premises clean; accumulation of oily rags, waste, or rubbish in and about buildings will not be permitted. Northern
We are now accepting applications for students in grades 9 – 12 to attend RailCamp 2023 on our Chapter’s Scholarship. For complete details see our
DCNRHS is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization founded in 1944 in the District of Columbia.
Copyright © 2000-2025 National Railway Historical Society, Washington, D.C. Chapter Inc.