March 2025

Rule 4005. Only employees authorized to do so may handle flagging appliances except in emergency for flagging purposes. All men are warned against placing torpedoes or lighted fuses on track except when duties required. Fusees must not be placed on bridges or other structures liable to damage by fire, except when necessary to prevent accidents.

New York Central System, Safety Rules, effective March 1, 1943

February 2025

Rule 107. When operating hand brakes, take proper position on or off equipment as required by type of brake to be operated. Have secure footing and handhold to prevent slipping, falling, strain, sprain or injury from coupling impacts. When brakes have been set so as to require excessive force to release them, help must be obtained.

Chessie System Safety Rules, Effective June 15, 1979

January 2025

Rule. 76. Employees must get on or off trailing end of rear cars if practicable, If it is necessary to get on or off other than the rear cars, when possible use the leading end of the car to be mounted or dismounted.

Chessie System Safety Rules, Effective June 15, 1979

December 2024

6) Conductors and trainmen assigned to the humps will be responsible to see that the route is clear when a train is being shoved from the receiving yard to the apex of the humps and to line necessary track switches for trains to be classified.

Potomac Yard Special Instructions for the Government of Employees of Potomac Yard, Instructions covering the Operation of Hump and Classification of Cars, In effect August 15, 1973.

November 2024

Working around Trains, Cars, Yards, and Stations

Rule 43. Mail sacks, express packages or articles of similar character to be loaded, or when unloaded at platforms used by passengers, must be so placed that an unobstructed passage will be afforded.

The Washington Terminal Company. Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934

October 2024

Rule 98. Trains must approach the end of double track, junctions, interlocked railway crossings at grade, and interlocked drawbridges, prepared to stop, unless the switches and signals are right, and the track is clear.

At railway crossings at grade and drawbridges, not interlocked, trains must stop and not proceed until the proper signal has been given.

Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules and General Regulations, effective June 18, 1911

September 2024

Handling of United States Mail

Rule 530. When passenger trains handling mail cars are run in two or more sections, mail cars will, if practicable, be placed in the first section.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.

August 2024

Rule 4009.

Stepping, walking or sitting on the ball of rails, frogs, switches, third rails, interlocking machinery or connections, except when absolutely necessary, if prohibited.

New York Central System Safety Rules, Effective April 1, 1965

July 2024

Rule 109. When stopping to take water, freight trains of more than fifteen cars must stop not less than fifty feet before reaching the water tank or stand-pipe and the engine must be cut off before water is taken. The brakes must not be released on the train until the engine is again coupled on and ready to proceed.  

Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules and General Regulations, effective June 18, 1911

June 2024

Continuous operation of the humps should be the first consideration, and ordinarily should take preference over other conflicting movements. These conflicting movements which delay the humping of cars should, as far as possible, be anticipated and should be made at times when delay to the hump will be reduced.  

Potomac Yard Special Instructions for the Government of Employees of Potomac Yard, Instructions covering the Operation of Hump and Classification of Cars, In effect August 15, 1973.