May 2024

Rule 107. Conductors and Brakemen must know that the cars in their trains are in good order before starting, and inspect them whenever they have an opportunity to do so, particularly when entering or leaving sidings, or waiting for other trains. All cars taken in their trains at intermediate stations must be examined with extra care.

Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules  and General Regulations, effective June 18, 1911.

April 2024

Working around Trains, Cars, Yards, and Stations

Rule 37. Care must be exercised in piling coal on the tanks of engines to prevent its falling off and injuring persons on the ground or falling in the gangway of engines and injuring the fireman.

The Washington Terminal Company. Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934. 

March 2024

Working around Trains, Cars, Yards, and Stations

Rule 42. Carefully observe the condition of lading of cars containing lumber, pipe, scrap or other such materials; watch closely for doors swinging, slats, or wires projecting from the sides of cars or other obstructions which are liable to cause injury, and promptly repair or report them when observed.

The Washington Terminal Company. Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934 —

February 2024

Rule 15. When possible avoid walking through escaping steam.

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Safety Rules, Effective May 1, 1920

January 2024

S. 94. A train which overtakes another train so disabled that it cannot proceed, may pass it, if practicable, proceed to the next open telegraph office, and there report to the Train Despatcher.

Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules and General Regulations, effective June 18, 1911

NOTE: We are aware the word “Despatcher” appears to be incorrectly spelled. The rule is printed the same way that it appears in the original rule book.

December 2023

Handling of United States Mail

Rule 530. When passenger trains handling mail cars are run in two or more sections, mail cars will, if practicable, be placed in the first section.
Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.

November 2023

Air Brakes

Rule 552. Before commencing the descent of steep grades and approaching locations where failure of brakes would be attended with hazard, Engineers must make sufficient application to ascertain that brakes are in operating condition.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.

October 2023

Rule 16. Avoid dangling wires, as they may be charged with electricity. If necessary to lift a broken wire, use some non-conducting substance—such as a dry board.

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Safety Rules, Effective May 1, 1920–

September 2023

Movement of Trains

Rule 301. Freight trains authorized to carry passengers will be designated by bulletin, or by special order of Superintendent.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899. 

August 2023

Movement of Trains

Rule 315. Whenever train or engine is run over any portion of road without a Conductor, the Engineer will be regarded and act as both Engineer and Conductor and will make and return the Conductor’s running reports.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.