July 2023

Safety Precautions and Casualties

Rule 68. In case of extraordinary storms or high water, trains must be brought to a stop and a man sent to examine bridges, trestles, culverts, or other places liable to damage, before proceeding. Conductors and Engineers will make careful inquiry at all stopping places and, if necessary, make extra stops to ascertain extent and severity of storms, protecting themselves as provided by the rules and taking no risks. When in doubt as to safety, train will be placed upon a siding until it is ascertained it is safe to proceed.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899. 

June 2023

Requirements for Employment
Rule 44. No person defective in hearing, sight or color perception shall be employed in any branch of the service involving the use of signals or the movement of trains and engines. All persons thus employed will be required to pass examination by one of the authorized specialists or examiners as to hearing, sight, and ability to distinguish colors. Reexamination will be required as follows:
a. Once in every four years.
b. After acute affection of the eyes or eyelids, or of the ears.
c. After any protracted or serious illness, on the recommendation of a Beneficial Association Surgeon.
d. When deemed necessary by the Superintendent.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.

May 2023

Rule 11. No person will be permitted to ride on the pilot, pilot beam, or on the step attached to the pilot or pilot beam of a locomotive, except when their duties actually require them to do so.

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Safety Rules, Effective May 1, 1920

April 2023

Rule 300. When the Flagman goes back to protect the rear of his train, the next Brakeman must immediately take the flagman’s position on the train and remain there until relieved by the Flagman.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.

March 2023

Rule 8. Before coupling air hose or doing other work between the cars of a train, they [employees] must see that their position is known to the men with whom they are working, and that they are protected against the movement of the train.

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Safety Rules, Effective May 1, 1920

February 2023

Rule 14: Hands or feet must not be placed in any part of machinery or apparatus, or in the way of moving parts of machinery or appliances. If necessary to do this, the moveable parts must be blocked so that protection will be afforderd.

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company, Safety Rules, Effective May 1, 1920.

January 2023

Prevention of Fires

Rule 104. Keep the premises clean; accumulation of oily rags, waste, or rubbish in and about buildings will not be permitted.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Rules and Regulations Operating Department, Effective June 1, 1899.

December 2022

Rule IV. Each Agent will be furnished with a Counterfeit Detector, and no allowance will hereafter be made for counterfeit money, or uncurrent notes, which are indicated by the same.

Source: Rules and Regulations, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore and the New Castle and Frenchtown Railroads. Effective September 1854

November 2022

Rule 2. Employees must be conversant with, and obey the rules and special instruction. If in doubt as to their meaning, they must apply to the proper authority for an explanation.

Source: Northern Pacific Railway Company Rules and Regulations, Operating Department. June 1, 1899.

October 2022

Rule 204. Train orders must be addressed to those who are to execute or observe them, naming the place at which each is to receive his copy. Train orders addressed to trains must be regarded as addressed to Conductors, Engineers, and Pilots. A copy for each person addressed must be supplied by the Operator. Train orders addressed to Operators, restricting the movement of trains, must be respected by Conductors and Engineers the same as if addressed to them. Conductors and engineers must require Brakemen and Firemen to know the contents of all train orders.

Source: The Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules and General Regulations. Effective June 18. 1911.