July 2022

Safety Rule 464: If the cab warning whistle sounds longer than 6 seconds, another member of crew in the cab, must go to the engineer immediately and ascertain cause, and when conditions require, must take immediate action to stop train.

Source: Union Pacific Railroad Company, Eastern and South-Central Districts and Idaho Division, Operating Rules. Effective May 1, 1972.

June 2022

Safety Rule 1806: Giving signal to move engines or cars while a person is on the ground between cars or under cars is prohibited.
Source: The Pennsylvania Railroad, The Long Island Rail Road Company. Safety Rules for Train, Engine and Other Transportation Employees. Effective November 1, 1933.

May 2022

Safety Rule 1146: Using live steam for the purpose of heating coffee or food is prohibited. 

Source: The Pennsylvania Railroad, The Long Island Rail Road Company. Safety Rules for Train, Engine and Other Transportation Employees. Effective November 1, 1933. 

April 2022

Safety Rule 1145: While walking alongside of moving engines for the purpose of inspecting or pounding sand pipes open, avoid slipping, tripping, or falling hazards in the pathway and keep clear of moving parts.

Source: The Pennsylvania Railroad, The Long Island Rail Road Company. Safety Rules for Train, Engine and Other Transportation Employees. Effective November 1, 1933. 

March 2022

Rule 561. When flag-stop signals are of the semaphore type, the arm in a horizontal position, or a green and white light displayed, indicates that trains in either direction, scheduled to stop on signal, will make station stop.
Source: Operating Rules and General Regulations. The Grand Trunk Railway System. Effective June 18, 1911.

February 2022

Rules and Instructions for the Guidance of Employees Working in and around Shops.

The following practices or manner of doing work is prohibited:

Rule 49. Removing safeguards from saws, emery wheels, gears, or other parts of machinery except for the purpose of making repairs.

Source: The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules, Effective February 1, 1934.

January 2022

Rule 40: Injectors on locomotives must not be started at places where anyone is liable to be scalded, and water must not be allowed to overflow from engines at station platforms.

Source: The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules, Effective February 1, 1934.

December 2021

Rule 13. Any object waved violently by any one on or near the track is a signal to stop.

Source:  Grand Trunk Railway System. 1911. Operating Rules and General Regulations. Effective June 18, 1911.ployees, Effective November 1, 1933.

November 2021

Excerpt from Operating Hand Brakes

Rule 1213. Standing or placing any part of the body between side or end of car body and lumber, pipe or other lading likely to shift, is prohibited.

Rule 1214. Stepping from side ladder to brake board is prohibited. Step to end ladder first and have secure hand hold while doing so.

Rule 1215. Using any part of an adjacent car for foot rest when applying or releasing brake, is prohibited.

Source: The Pennsylvania Railroad, The Long Island Rail Road Company, Safety Rules, Train, Engine, and Other Employees, Effective November 1, 1933.

October 2021

Rule 99(F). When an employee alone finds track or bridge unsafe for trains at normal speed, he must immediately place a red flag by day, or a red light by night, between the rails of the track, or to the right of the track as viewed from an approaching train, in both directions one-fourth mile from the point to be protected. After the red signals are placed, he must go in the direction from which the first train is expected. One mile from the red signal, he must place two torpedoes on the rail not less than 150 feet apart. Continuing back two miles from the red signal he must place two torpedoes on the rail not less than 150 feet apart. He must then place torpedoes in the same manner in the opposite direction. Where there are two or more main tracks, signals must be place in both directions on all tracks affected. After the signals have been placed, flagman must return to the point of obstruction and remain until relieved by another flagman, except that it a train approaches, he must go toward it and flag it with hand signals.

Union Pacific Railroad Company. Operating Rules Effective May 1, 1972.