September 2021

Rule 95. When large numbers of inexperienced men are working on the track, they should be divided into small squads, and each squad placed in charge of an experienced man, and all necessary additions precautions taken to prevent accident.

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, Effective February 1, 1934

August 2021

Rule 40. Injectors on locomotives must not be started at places where anyone is liable to be scalded, and water must not be allowed to overflow from engines at station platforms. 
The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, Effective February 1, 1934.

July 2021

Rule 256. Conductors report to and receive their instructions from the Train Master. 
Rule 257. They must report for duty thirty minutes before leaving time and when necessary, assist in the switching and making up of their trains. 
Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules and General Regulations effective June 18, 1911.

June 2021

Rule  169.  (b)  “Attend  to  lightning, warming,  ventilation,  cleaning  and supplying of cars, and to closing of car doors;  provide  for  the  comfort  and safety of passengers; see that they are directed to the proper cars, that seats are  provided,  and  that  women, children  and  infirm  persons  are assisted;  protect  them  against rudeness,  threatened  violence, abusive  or  obscene  language,  or annoyance  from  intoxicated  or quarrelsome persons.“ 
Northern Pacific Rules and Regulations effective June 1, 1899.

May 2021

Rule 2. You will look your engine and tender over thoroughly at the end of each trip. You will be held responsible for the condition of the ash pan and smoke stack, and will see that they are in good order, so as to prevent the escape of fire, that would be liable to endanger the train or property upon the line of the road. 
Rule 6. You will in no case allow the furnace door to be opened for the purpose of regulating the steam, but will, in all cases see that the damper is used for that purpose; as running with the furnace door open is very injurious to the tubes, and liable to set fires along the road. 
Rule 10. You will in no case be allowed to carry more than 125 pounds of steam. 
Source: Rules and Regulations to be observed by Locomotive Engineers in the employ of the Central Pacific Railroad Company March 1874. Written by A. J. Stevens, General Master Mechanic.

April 2021

Rule 15. The explosion of one torpedo is a signal to stop; the explosion of two not more than 200 and not less than 100 feet apart is a signal to reduce speed and look out for a stop signal.
Torpedoes must not be placed near stations or public crossings, not where persons are liable to be injured by them.

Grand Trunk Railway System Effective June 18, 1911.

May 2013 – March 2021

March 2021

Rule 482. In severe storms, when necessary for a passenger train to follow a plow, the plow must pull beyond depot at stations and await arrival of train they are preceding before departing.

Northern Pacific Railway Company, Effective June 1st, 1899.

February 2021

Rule 7070. Board standing car or engine as follows:
(a) Take firm handhold of ladder or grab iron with both hands.
(b) Place one foot securely on stirrup or step.
(c) Place other foot securely on stirrup or step.
(d) Retain firm handhold with both hands.
Western Pacific Sacramento Northern and Tidewater Southern Railroad Companies, Effective Oct. 1, 1975

January 2021

Rule 107. Conductors and Brakemen must know that the cars in their trains are in good order before starting, and inspect them whenever they have an opportunity to do so, particularly when entering or leaving sidings or waiting for other trains. All cars taken in their train at intermediate stations must be examined with extra care.

[Grand Trunk Railway System, Operating Rules, Effective 18 June 1911.]

December 2020

Rule 35. Articles of any kind must not be thrown from moving trains.…

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

November 2020

Rule 26. Employees are prohibited from …extending any part of the body beyond the outside clearance line of a cab or car without exercising care to avoid being struck.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

October 2020

Rule 98. Employees are required to carry a lantern or torch when passing through a tunnel where men cannot readily be seen.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

September 2020

Rule 96. Employees working in a tunnel or near the end of same, when a train approaches from either direction, must stand clear of trains , and, if in the tunnel, must occupy the manholes.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

August 2020

Rule 103. Passing trains must be observed. If any condition is noticed indicating danger, endeavor to signal trainmen.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

July 2020

Rule 100. Trains will be run in either direction on any track, whenever necessary or expedient, and workmen will be governed accordingly.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

June 2020

Rule 16. Attention should be given to your work while on duty. Diversion of attention in any way, from work, often leads to serious accident.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

May 2020

Rule 15. When a nail is found pointing upward, bend it downward.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

April 2020

Rule 5. [Employees] must not go under an engine or car or pass between cars separated by a short distance, without knowing that proper protection against movement has been afforded

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

March 2020

Rule 4. [Employees] will keep off all tracks except in the discharge of duty, and when stepping out of the way of approaching trains, engines, or cars go far enough to clear all running tracks.

[The Washington Terminal Company Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees] Effective February 1, 1934

February 2020

Rule 3. [Employees] will familiarize themselves with the tools, appliances and equipment with which they have to work, and know for themselves that the condition of tools, appliances, equipment and machinery are safe, or made safe, before using them.

[The Washington Terminal Company Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees] Effective February 1, 1934

January 2020

Walking on, or even being on, railroad tracks, except in direct line of duty, is prohibited. If duty makes it necessary to be on the tracks a sharp lookout must be kept for trains approaching in either direction. Any time is train time on a railroad track, and even on double track movements may be made in either direction. Walk beside the track, in clear of engines and cars, instead of on it, when possible.

[Louisville & Nashville Railroad Co. Safety Rules, Effective October 1, 1957.]

December 2019

When engines are equipped with automatic bell ringers, the bell must be kept in operation while moving, except within the limits of cities or towns where local ordinances prohibit it, when the bell will be rung only in case of emergency or when approaching and passing over a public crossing.

[Passenger Conductor Rule #1316, New York Central Railroad, January 1, 1918]

November 2019

The Chief Train Director has charge of the towers, of the men employed therein and the general movement of trains in the interlocked district controlled by tower operations.

[Rule #155, Washington Terminal Company Book of Rules, Rules for Tower Men, October 1, 1925]

October 2019

Official or private cars must be placed on the rear of the train, unless otherwise ordered.

Passenger Conductor Rule #1206, New York Central Railroad, January 1, 1918.

September 2019

It is the duty of the Maintainer of Telephones and Telegraph to keep the poles in proper position, the wires connected, insulated and clear of all obstructions, and make all necessary repairs.

The Washington Terminal Company Book of Rules, Rules for Telephone an Telegraph Operators, Rule #158, October 1, 1925.

August 2019

Rule No. 2007 : Employees must not engage in scuffling, horse play, or practical jokes, either on or off duty on Company Property.

The Pennsylvania Railroad SAFETY RULES Station Employees – Effective October 1, 1963.

July 2019

The brakeman’s job was historically very dangerous, as the brakeman was required to walk atop the cars of a moving train in all weather to set the hand brakes for the duration of a standard 100-mile division. But the introduction of remotely operated air brakes, along with the use of automatic couplers, and the application of two-way radios have greatly improved the safety of the position and reduced the number of brakemen needed.

June 2019

“Instructions regarding the handling of vestibule trap doors, step boxes, tailgates, etc. are designed to prevent injury to employees and passengers; therefore it is extremely important that car service employees operate safely in accordance with these instructions.”

Instructions to Porters, Attendants and Busboys, The Pullman Company, August 1, 1952.

May 2019

“Railway Postal Clerks must not carry loaded firearms to and from their terminals.”

Mobile Unit Employees Instructions for Railway Postal Clerks.

April 2019

“Employees must enter and leave railroad premises through designated entrances and exits. Established crossings shall be used where available in coach yards. Do not step on rails when crossing tracks. Boarding or alighting from moving trains and opening vestibule traps or doors while the car is in motion is strictly prohibited.”

Instructions to Porters, Attendants and Busboys, The Pullman Company,
August 1, 1952

March 2019

“Safety is an integral part of our operation, and we are inalterably committed to the safety of our patrons and employees. The practice of safety and the effectiveness of safety measures and safety devices depends upon the cooperation of employees. Safety is not a one-man proposition; it is a responsibility that must be shared by all. The ultimate results, however, depend largely upon the efforts of each individual.”

Instructions to Porters, Attendants and Busboys, The Pullman Company,
August 1, 1952

February 2019

“4.10.1 Streetcar operators shall stop at all raised platforms and at all designated stops where passengers are waiting.”

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Rail Rule Book, 2017

January 2019

“The best safety device known is a careful person. Employees are urged to offer suggestions on safety.”

Instructions to Porters, Attendants and Busboys, The Pullman Company, 1952.

December 2018

“Rule 102: Trainmen will, while loading passengers, frequently announce the routes and names of the principal stations at which the train will stop, and before departure make the announcement in all coaches. Pullman employees will make similar announcements, except in sleeping cars at night.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

November 2018

“Rule 127: Vestibule side and trap doors on passenger equipment cars in service must be kept closed on trains, except when receiving and discharging passengers, and must not be opened until train comes to a full stop in Union Station.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

October 2018

“Rule 134: In order that passengers occupying sleeping cars in Union Station at night may not be disturbed employees must do their work as quietly as possible, avoiding unnecessary noise in the station. Enginemen and firemen must prevent engines from blowing off at the safety valves while in the train shed.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

September 2018

“Rule 101: Baggage Masters will have baggage destined beyond Washington requiring transfer at that point near the door of the baggage car on arrival at Union Station so it can be promptly dispatched to connecting trains and assist in unloading same and other baggage.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

August 2018

“Rule 128: Vestibule platforms opposite blind vestibule side at kitchen end of private cars and dining cars must not be obstructed and must be kept clear of supplies or provisions of any description that would in any way interfere with the operation of the trap and vestibule doors at this location.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

July 2018

“Rule 102 (excerpt): . . . Trainmen and Pullman employees will direct passengers to pass promptly to the inside of cars and not allow them to stand on car platforms.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

June 2018

“Rule 102 (excerpt): . . . Passengers must not be duly hurried or the announcement “All Aboard” made so far ahead of time train is to start as to excite passengers into undue haste and risk of falling and personal injury.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

May 2018

“Rule 132: Hand brakes on all equipment must be released before application of air brakes. Air brakes must not be applied to detached cars except to prevent accident.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

April 2018

Rule 140: Passenger trainmen and employees of the Pullman Company must keep the doors of toilet rooms in passenger equipment cars locked between New York Avenue and Second Street and Virginia Avenue, except cars which have been placed in the station for occupancy and have been provided with waste pans.

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

March 2018

Rule 153: The Ticket Agent’s duty is to attend to the sale of tickets, keep the accounts, and make reports and remittances, in the manner prescribed. He must not sell tickets to persons who are not in a condition to take care of themselves, or whose condition might endanger their lives or make them a source of annoyance to others on trains.

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

February 2018

“Rule 126: To avoid personal injury or loss of life to passengers the practice of unauthorized employees opening the side and trap doors of vestibule equipment is prohibited.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective October 1, 1925.

January 2018

“#85 It is the duty of every employee working on or about the track to exercise care to avoid injury to himself and others.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934.

December 2017

“#88. Employees must not walk or stand on the tracks except when necessary for the proper performance of their

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934.

November 2017

“#6. Before coupling air hoses or doing other work between the cars of a train, employees must see that their position is known to the men with whom they are working and that they are protected against the movement of the train.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934.

October 2017

“#13. When possible avoid walking through escaping steam.”

The Washington Terminal Company, Safety Rules for the Guidance of Employees, effective February 1, 1934.

September 2017

“To obtain promotion, ability must be shown for greater responsibility. “

New Haven Railroad Operating Rules, 1943.

August 2017

“The service demands the faithful, intelligent and courteous discharge of duty.”

New Haven Railroad Operating Rules, 1943.

July 2017

“In case of danger to the Company’s property employees must unite to protect it.”

New Haven Railroad Operating Rules, 1943.

June 2017

“Vicious, quarrelsome, profane, or uncivil deportment is prohibited.”

Illinois Central Operating Rules, 1974.

May 2017

“To enter or remain in service is an assurance of willingness to obey the rules.”

New Haven Railroad Operating Rules, 1943

April 2017

“Employees must not sleep on duty. Lying down or in a slouched position with eyes closed or with eyes covered or concealed will be considered as sleeping.”

Taken from Illinois Central Rulebook, circa 1974.

March 2017

“Test hand brakes before using them.” (Rule Number 11, p. 4)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918.

February 2017

“Accidents, detention of trains, failure in the supply of water or fuel, or defects in the track, bridges or signals, must be promptly reported by wire to the proper official.” (General Rule F, p. 10)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918

January 2017

“Employees must keep the premises in their charge in a neat and orderly condition. ” (General Rule J1, p. 10)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918

December 2016

“Stand or walk on the tracks only when necessary in the performance of duty. Face the current of traffic where possible, but look out for trains in both directions, as trains frequently move against the current of traffic.” (Rule #6, p. 4)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918

November 2016

“The following is prohibited: Leaning of out cab of engine or from the side of car without exercising care to avoid obstructions.” Rule #31, p. 6).

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918

October 2016

When using a push pole [no longer done, Ed.], stand so that it moves away from instead of toward you, and as far from the pole as possible. (Rule #12, p. 4)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918

September 2016

Employees on duty must wear the prescribed badge and uniform and be neat in appearance. (General Rule J, p. 10)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918

August 2016

The following practice is prohibited: Unnecessarily going in front of or between cars or engines while they are in motion.“ (Rule #20, p. 5)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918.

July 2016

“When on duty, keep your mind on your work and do not permit other subjects to distract your attention.” (Rule #1, p. 3)

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918.

June 2016

“Employees must avoid making unnecessary noise around sleeping cars occupied by passengers who have retired and should also caution others against making unnecessary noise. (General rule X, p. 16).”

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918.

May 2016

Many FRA regulations exist whose purpose is to prevent accidents like the one that occurred in Chester, Pennsylvania, recently. For example:
“The train dispatcher or control operator shall not permit the movement of trains or other on-track equipment onto the working limits of foul time until the roadway worker who obtained the foul time has reported clear of the track.”

Foul Time, FRA Reg. 214.323 (c)

April 2016

Official or private cars must be placed on the rear of the train, unless otherwise ordered. (Rule #1206, p. 134).

Taken from “New York Central Railroad Safety Instructions”, effective January 1, 1918.

March 2016

Rule 242: The rails should be sanded intermittently during stops to insure that drivers will not slide.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

February 2016

Supplemental Instruction 13 (a): Troop trains containing freight car equipment will carry 90-pound brake pipe pressure and 130-pound main reservoir pressure. Troop trains containing all passenger equipment will carry 110-pound brake pipe pressure and 130-pound main reservoir pressure. [NOTE: This was an instruction, pasted into the book after issue, and marked, “Effective at once.”]

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – General Instructions to Enginemen -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

January 2016

Rule 140: The emergency application of the brakes should not be used except in emergency cases, and when used the brake should not be released until 20 seconds after the train stops. Engine brake must not be partially or wholly released unless drivers slide.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Passenger Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

December 2015

Rule 116: At terminals, passenger trains will be started by communicating signal, given by brakeman from rear car in train, after he has received the starting signal from the conductor.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Passenger Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

November 2015

Rule 113: When two or more locomotives are coupled moving light over the road, the air brake will be operated from the leading locomotive in the direction they are moving.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Passenger Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

October 2015

Rule 279: The caboose air gauge is to insure greater safety and better air brake operation. These ends can be attained alone where those whose duty it is to observe the gauge do so with sufficient frequency and with an understanding of what it can actually indicate.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

September 2015

Rule 271: Do not apply brakes from the rears (conductor’s valve, back-up hose or angle cock) except to prevent damage, injury, or loss of life – actual emergencies..

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

August 2015

Rule 210: The word “Car” means all cars or dead engines in train. The tender of an engine is counted as a car. A dead engine and its tender are counted as two cars.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

July 2015

Rule 237: It will not be necessary to detach engine to take on water or fuel unless in the judgement of the engineman it is necessary.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

June 2015

Rule 237: When excessive water, or no water at all, is found in main reservoirs, the condition should be reported for correction. When no water is found in main reservoirs it indicates that excessive moisture is passing back into the train.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – General Instructions to Enginemen -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

May 2015

Rule 1: Enginemen, when taking charge of locomotive or motors, will see that the air brakes and signal apparatus are in proper working order. Where preparatory time has been abolished, enginemen will test the brake by making an application and release with each brake valve while enroute to yard or station.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – General Instructions to Enginemen -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

April 2015

Rule 244: Trains of less than 60 cars must not depart until at least three minutes after brake valve is first placed in release position; from 60 to 100 cars, four minutes; and over 100 cars, five minutes.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

March 2015

Rule 282: Air hoses will be uncoupled by handle, instead of allowing them to pull apart, causing damage to hose, gaskets, couplings, and piping.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

February 2015

Rule 100. Mixed trains having 50 per cent, or more empty cars will be considered empty trains; trains having less than 60 per cent empty cars will be considered loaded trains.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – General Instructions to Enginemen -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

January 2015

Rule 100. Note that the word TERMINAL refers to the originating point from which trains are started. DIVISION POINTS or DIVISION TERMINALS refer to points where engine or engine crews are changed or a change is made in make-up of train.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Passenger Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

December 2014

Rule 216. When engine is detached from train, or cars set off, trainmen will apply sufficient hand brakes to secure same at all times. Air brakes must not be depended upon to hold detached trains on grades. Automatic brakes must not be left applied indefinitely to hold a train standing on a grade. Hand brakes must be set and air brakes released, unless independent on engine and tender will safely hold same. Air brakes with retaining valves in use must not be depended upon to hold such trains.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – Freight Service -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

November 2014

Rule 2. Circus and carnival trains will carry 90 pounds brake pipe pressure and 130 pounds main reservoir pressure.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – General Instructions to Enginemen -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

October 2014

Rule 3. Every practicable effort should be made to reduce delays and keep the trains on time, but even this should be subordinated always to the safety of the train and the comfort of the passengers.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – For the Guidance of Engineers Handling Passenger Trains -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

September 2014

Rule 2. The train should be handled at all times, and particularly when starting and stopping, so as to promote the comfort of the passengers.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – For the Guidance of Engineers Handling Passenger Trains -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

August 2014

Rule 1. The safety of the train and passengers should have first consideration at all times and in all places. Everything should be subordinate hitherto.

Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars – For the Guidance of Engineers Handling Passenger Trains -The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941 – assigned to P. O. Butts, Fireman.

July 2014

All persons are forbidden to walk upon tracks except in the performance of duty.

Rule 121, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

June 2014

Employees must not throw articles of any kind from trains while in motion.

Rule 125, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

May 2014

Employees are forbidden to stand in front of and board an approaching engine or car in motion.

Rule 120, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

April 2014

Passenger trainmen arriving must not permit hand baggage or other effects to obstruct the aisles of passenger cars.
Rule 104, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

March 2014

To avoid personal injury or loss of life to passengers the practice of unauthorized employees opening side and trap doors on vestibule equipment is prohibited.
Rule 126, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

February 2014

Before beginning a movement to, from, or with, a turntable, employees participating must know:

1. That the turntables rails are properly aligned with shore rails.

2. That proper signal to proceed has been given by turntable operator.

3. That the load on the turntable in motion will not meet with any obstruction.”

Rule 139, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

January 2014

The use of tobacco by employees while on duty in or about passenger stations, or on passenger cars, or smoking in or about shops is prohibited.

General Rule H, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

November/December 2013

The use of intoxicants by employees while on duty is prohibited. Their use, or the frequenting of places where they are sold, is sufficient to cause dismissal.

General Rule G, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

October 2013

When getting off equipment, employees should face the equipment, grasp grab irons firmly, and have secure footing.

Rule 174, Safety Rules, The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company The Baltimore & Ohio Railway Company, effective October 1, 1968

September 2013

“Trainmen and other employees when not engaged in giving signals must avoid any movement of arms or lamps which might be accepted in error as a signal.”

Rule 39, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

August 2013

“Employees who persist in performing unsafe acts will not be retained in service.”

General Rule P, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

July 2013

“Trainmen will, while loading passengers frequently announce the routes and names of the principal stations at which the train will stop, and before departure make the announcement in all coaches. Pullman employees will make similar announcements in the body and smoking rooms of Pullman cars, except in sleeping cars at night. Trainmen and Pullman employees will direct passengers to pass promptly to the inside of cars and not allow them to stand on car platforms.

Passengers must not be unduly hurried or the announcement “All Aboard” made so far ahead of time train is to start as to excite passengers into undue haste and risk of falling and personal injury.”

Rule 102, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

June 2013

“A blue flag by day and a blue light by night conspicuously displayed at one or both ends of an engine, car, or train, indicates that workmen are under or about it; when thus protected it must not be coupled to or moved. Workmen will display the blue signals and the same workmen are alone authorized to remove them. Other cars must not be placed on the same tracks so as to intercept the view of the blue signals, without first notifying the workmen.”

Rule 38, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925.

May 2013

“In order that passengers occupying sleeping cars in Union Station at night may not be disturbed employees must do their work as quietly as possible, avoiding unnecessary noise in the station. Enginemen and firemen must prevent engines from blowing off at the safety valves while in the train shed.”

Rule 134, Book of Rules, The Washington Terminal Company, effective 12:01 am, October 1, 1925